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Agostino Milluzzo

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Joined 5 October 201937 years old
Agostino Milluzzo, MD, University of Catania, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine.
Endocrinologist. Research fellow. Clinical research in the diabetes field.
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Jeremy Coats
I serve as Lead, Foundation Program at IIE. I manage scholar and researcher exchange programs.
Hesham Nasr
What sets me apart from others is not only my determination to persevere in challenging situations but also doing my work with utmost dedication.
Marta Mangione
Junior PM, Digital Communication expert and online growth strategies. Actually she is the Community Manager of ISPM.
Ashok Pandey
Registered Public Health Professional of Nepal.
Vincenzo Villari
Vincenzo Villari (Italia) - Specializzato in economia aziendale, imprenditore, partner in società di consulenza startup che si occupa dello sviluppo di entità del terzo settore
Cecilia Spampinato
Project Manager of ECLAT Srl Spin-off Academic University of Catania - Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Daniela Saitta
Coordinator of the ISPM and Project Manager at the CoEHAR -University of Catania
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